Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC108770

ZGBTST Meet S.T.E.P.S from Draperstown

ZGBTST Meet S.T.E.P.S from Draperstown.

Yasmin from ZGBTST travelled to Draperstown on Wednesday April 24 to meet the incredible team from S.T.E.P.S, a similar organisation to our own.

S.T.E.P.S were developed like ourselves, after the devastating loss of a loved one, and do a wonderful job in mental health awareness and suicide prevention across Mid Ulster.

Their main aims are breaking down of the stigma surrounding Suicide and Mental Health in a rural community, a coordinated approach to the prevention of Suicide and raising awareness of Suicide and Mental Health and building a community working together to raise awareness of Suicide and Mental Health.


STEPS Mental Health are now trained in level 1 safe talk, level 2 Suicide awareness, Mental Health First Aid, ASSIST and work in the community to promote skills in Suicide awareness and intervention.

There is nothing more refreshing than meeting like-minded and driven individuals who share your own passion and goals for the future of our communities.  We look forward to supporting, collaborating and meeting with S.T.E.P.S in the future.

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