Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC108770


This service has become the most popular that is offered at ZGBTST. Once an initial consultation has been conducted, our client’s case is discussed with our board and their ZGBTST action plan is created.
If mentoring has been the recommended route, this is usually due to several reasons;

  1. Traditional counselling has already been tried and tested by the client and they wish to try something new.
  2. The client is in need of 24 hour support and ZGBTST mentors are available for their allocated clients at all times.
  3. The client is unsure about what they wish to achieve through counselling and this is something they can develop and plan with a mentor first.
  4. The client is awaiting a place within statutory services and simply wishes ZGBTST to bridge the gap between their referral and first appointment.

All of ZGBTST mentors are from various paths of life and bring a multitude of personal experience to their clients, many people find mentoring as a comforting approach to mental health support as they are able to assist them with different life obstacles such as housing, financial and relationship issues as well as positive mental health development.

All of ZGBTST mentors follow a unique wellbeing plan, developed by ZGBTST for each individual client.

For more information on obtaining support from ZGBTST please contact: or complete our ‘online referral form’ to be contacted by a member of ZGBTST.

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