Registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland NIC108770

Contact us

Please complete the form below and a member of Team Zachary Geddis Trust will get back to you as soon as they can.

Do you need support?

Getting in touch and obtaining support from Zachary Geddis Trust is simple – with same day response you can assure your needs are in safe hands with us.

We have several different avenues that you can use to access any of our services. If you are nervous, feel free to bring a friend with you for extra support.
If you want to know more send us a message or give us a call – it costs nothing to reach out & our services are 100% free for the user.

Our office hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm

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Our Premises

Zachary Geddis Trust Mental Health Centre

As of November 2022, the Zachary Geddis Trust has a brand-new HQ.

Our new location on the outskirts of Coleraine is Unit 1, Loughanhill Industrial Estate on Gateside Road.

This location is home to our Superstar Youth Service, Educational Programmes, Support Hubs, 1:1 Counselling, Crisis Intervention and is also the working office of our Founder Yasmin Geddis. 

HQ has enabled the day to day service level working operations of ZGT to take place such as restructuring organisational processes, developing of new services and implementing new programmes. 

The opening hours of our Mental Health Centre are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm however it is highly recommended that you book an appointment.

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